
SAVOIR File management System
The main objective of the project is to yield a reference implementation of an on-board

CoreSight based execution monitoring for space applications
CoreSight is a hardware technology present in many modern ARM based Systems-on-Chips (SoC) which enables

ELT Central Software
ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) will be the biggest ‘eye on the sky’ when it achieves

Hera is part of the planetary defence activities executed by European Space Agency. It is

Comet Interceptor
Comet Interceptor is exciting ESA mission with objective to visit a Long Period Comet or

Evaluation of Rust usage in space applications
Rust safety features and its growing usage make this programming language a viable option in

Toolchain to connect EDS and TASTE
TASTE is ESA’s established toolchain targeting embedded systems using a model-based engineering approach. At its
Model Checking for Formal Verification of Space Systems
TASTE is ESA’s model-based development environment for heterogenous, embedded, real-time systems, using AADL, ASN.1 and SDL models for

N7 Space is the supplier of the on-board software for the Coronagraph Control Box, the

Tiny Runtime to Run Model-Based Software on CubeSats
CubeSats are small, low-cost satellites, usually built from commonly available components. They are widely used

CANopen On-Board Protocol Stack
CANopen is a communication protocol for embedded systems, standardized by CAN-in-Automation (CiA) group. It is

Reusable ARM software components
Boot Software for SAMV71, SAMQ21RT Main characteristics TC/TM link Self-test features Application booting and patching