
Our main() in space
For sure, this will be a year to remember. A lot of project work, product deployments in ESA and commercial missions, and finally, some rocket

C++ for flight software
We are happy to announce publication of results for the ESA project: C++20 For the flight software. Outputs from the project are avaliable on ESA

TEC-ED & TEC-SW Final Presentation Days – June 2024
Busy June at N7 Space. During this month Final Presentation Days organised by ESTEC we had presented 3 closed projects. Full timetable and presentations list

SAVOIR FMS Kick-off!
Exciting news at N7 Space. We have just started new challenging project focused on development of open-source SAVOIR File Management System. Project is funded by

AURORA Final Review Meeting
The AURORA project [1] has reached its final milestone (MS#9) and the Final Review Meeting was held in Prague with the participation of external experts

We join ELT software development team!
We are proud to join the ELT development team. Our software engineers have started this ear development activities for ELT Central Software working directly with

Aerugo PDR milestone
This month our project “Evaluation of Rust usage in space applications” passed a PDR (Preliminary Design Review) milestone. This marked the completion of the design