Toolchain to connect EDS and TASTE
TASTE is ESA’s established toolchain targeting embedded systems using a model-based engineering approach. At its core, it utilizes AADL and ASN.1 models for architecture and data description respectively. System behaviour can be described via various methods, including, but not limited to, SDL, Simulink models, C or Ada. TASTE can be used both for system design, analysis, simulation and actual implementation targeting embedded devices.
SEDS (CCSDS SOIS EDS) is a new XML based standard for specifying data interfaces offered by flight hardware such as sensors and actuators. Its scope overlaps with the combined feature set of AADL, ASN.1 and SDL used in TASTE. As TASTE is a comprehensive solution to software system design, and SEDS is a specification which focuses on individual devices, interfacing both can provide:
- a complete toolchain for implementing and deploying SEDS based devices;
- means to achieve greater interoperability by TASTE with other systems.
The Toolchain to connect EDS and TASTE project, funded by the European Space Agency, aims to achieve these goals. SpaceCreator, the new TASTE Integrated Development Environment, is to be enhanced with a plugin capable of transforming SEDS specifications into ASN.1, AADL and SDL models understood by TASTE. In order to facilitate TASTE interoperability, a reverse process is also to be supported for ASN.1 and AADL conversion into SEDS.
The applicability of the developed solution will be validated via a CubeSat-class demonstration use case – DemoSat2. High-level system design is to be performed using Capella. Several sensors and actuators will be described (on an implementation level) using SEDS and then imported into TASTE for integration with high-level software functionality. The final embedded system will be deployed using TASTE to a SAMV71Q21 microcontroller for testing and demonstration. The system will use a new, optimized TASTE runtime developed within the scope of the activity.
- SEDS specification –
- SpaceCreator –

Disclaimer: This work performed during this project was carried out under a programme of, and funded by, the European Space Agency. The views expressed here can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency.