Our main() in space
For sure, this will be a year to remember. A lot of project work, product deployments in ESA and commercial missions, and finally, some rocket launches. Not one but three missions were launched in the last quarter of 2025 with our significant software contributions:
A challenging technological mission aiming to demonstrate the precise formation flying of two satellites that will create an artificial solar eclipse lasting six hours on each orbit. This mission aims to uncover the secrets of the solar corona, observable only during a solar eclipse. Our significant contribution was the ASPIICS instrument onboard software. This included the complete implementation of low-level boot and application software, whose primary responsibility is managing solar corona imaging and scientific data flow to the satellite’s main OBC. PROBA-3 was launched from India with the PSLV-XL launcher. This was also an opportunity to talk about our history in short dedicated article.
One of Europe’s planetary defense missions implemented by ESA. HERA objective is to visit the binary Didymos asteroid system and examine the results of NASA’s DART probe impact. We are proud to have contributed to the platform’s onboard software, with significant effort spent on validation activities. Hera was launched aboard a Falcon 9 rocket and will arrive at Didymos in late 2026.
The biggest national satellite built by a consortium led by Creotech Systems. Our contribution focused on the telescope payload computer software (bootloader and support of application software). EagleEye was launched aboard a Falcon 9 rocket.
All these missions are the result of years of hard work by an excellent and dedicated software team. Thank you for your trust, and see you in 2025.